Era 1 (1963-1983) Era 2 (2003-present...after a 20 year hiatus)
Process driver The "Principles"
Late Era 1 - rudimentary card deck begins
The "Principles"
Enforced by CARD DECK - "Want to be surprised"
Materials Lightweight typing paper in the beginning, eventually became heavier poster paper
Use of collage materials started at the end of Era 1; intended to represent physical features such as sand dunes
Recycled and repurposed paper
Expanded use of collage:
- Reusable elements (e.g. city blocks)
- More abstract elements
- Collage shapes start as random; around 2013 become 1" squares
Tools Rapidograph pens, india ink
Ballpoint pens
"Copenhagen blue" and "apple green" colored pencils
Watercolors and gouache
Acrylic paints
New types of pens (name)
Scale 1/4" = 200' No change, but less relevant due to the more abstract composition that is used.
Guest artists None. Guest artists send a panel, and it is added to the stack of blanks waiting to be used.
Progression of work Panels are stacked chronologically (oldest on top). Work on top one, then move it to the bottom of the stack. Panels are stacked by coordinates, and work is done in that order.
Data tracking In a log book:
- Populations
- Football scores
- Map language (translation matrix)
- Railroad station and airport districts
- Map dating (translation matrix)
In a spreadsheet:
- Populations
- No more football scores
- No more RR station and airport districts
- Administrative info e.g. map sales and inventory (panels per exhibition set)
- Map language (translation matrix) (abandoned later in Era 2)
- Map dating (translation matrix)
Reproductions - versioning None, all work is done on a single master set of panels. Color printer enables:
- Making copies of panels to start a new generation
- Employing reusable elements
Exhibitions None. Exhibitions, typically in museums
Originally used the original base map
Later used just older generations
The Principles Amount of work done in a session is determined by personal schedule. Panel is moved to bottom of the stack at end of that session. Each card has a large black or red number in an upper corner. A "task" is defined as the completion of the number of work units as specified by this number on the card that is drawn. A "work unit" is the number of one inch squares to be covered. The number drawn and the effort required can be highly variable, so a day's work could consist of several work units, or just a portion of one. Work on an incomplete work unit continues at the next work session.
Standard playing card deck is used as a random number generator. This number defined how far down the stack to go to start the work session. Bypassed panels are moved to the bottom of the stack. When a card is drawn you must follow the specific instructions on the card.
Always work clockwise around the perimeter of the map. Work direction is determined by color of the drawn card - black is clockwise, red is counter-clockwise.
Every page has a "center" point, located at [XXXXX]. Same
New pages are generated when a page is full, or when one is required to complete a section of art. New pages are generated by drawing a "new page" card, or a new page is required to complete a section of art.
The "center" of the new page is the same as the parent. Same.
A page is built beginning from the identified "center" point. Same.
When a new page is added, the new page is of the same nature (urban, rural, water) as the parent. When a new page is added, the new page will use the "color of the day". What defines that???
The location of the new page is determined by placing a compass point in the "center" of the parent page and determining the closest edge of the map (this keeps the map roughly circular and growing generally equally in all directions). Same.
Master map shows the locations of the panels based on chronology. Master map shows the locations of the panels as defined by coordinates.
Colors used represent topography- altitude of land or or depth of water. Color choices had to follow the logic of the physical world. Colors are more abstract and do not necessarily represent the physical world. Colors may be applied with either paint or markers, or by using collage.
New artwork is never applied on top of existing original artwork, it is only added to a new version of the page. Same.