The population of the Map as of the latest census (1053) was 16,304,885. There were 27 parishes and 416 cities.
The largest cities were:
1. Ukrainia 2,414,234
2. Geo 1,663,163
3. Sabratha 1,033,782
4. Wybourne 990,212
5. Leyemouth 800,363
6. Southchurch 730,140
7. Jackson 586,034
8. Nelleville 585,795
9. Fields West 454,782
10. Plaeides 423,152
As of the last inventory (2/17/13) the Map was composed of 2738 panels covering 1521 square feet. 1720 First Generation panels have been archived. The maximum East-West dimension is 44 feet, and the maximum North-South is 49.4 feet.
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